

Public-private collaboration

We improve public-private collaboration, acting as an interlocutor between public administrations and the private sector.


We have an institutional relations working group that meets, sometimes internally, and sometimes by inviting representatives from different institutions to inform, discuss and draw up consensus documents.


Technical conferences, fairs, congresses...

With the aim of improving commercial relations, improving business practices or facilitating the internationalisation process, we organise and participate in technical conferences, trade fairs and congresses.


We organise our own events and establish partnerships with other organisations to participate in external events.


Training and awareness

We inform society about relevant aspects with the aim of raising awareness about the ecological transition and we promote the generation, retention and recruitment of Balearic talent.


We detect training needs among our partners, contribute to the development of new training programmes and provide monitoring data on the ecological transition in the Balearic Islands.


Strategic information

We offer strategic information on our partners' areas of interest: market research, information on funding opportunities, relevant news, etc.


In addition to our internal channel, we have a resources section, a monthly newsletter and social networks such as Linkedin, Twitter or Instagram.


R&D&i projects

We promote R&D&I projects within the TEIB's strategic areas. We work to find funding options, search for partners or project ideation.


We have an Innovation working group, consisting of one (or more) representatives from each partner, which meets regularly.


Internal networking

We encourage the improvement of relations between associated companies, which may lead to new business opportunities and new projects.


We hold General Assemblies, Board meetings, working group meetings and technical conferences. Check our agenda here.



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Our activity on Twitter

🌱💡 Encuentro Empresarial con Centros Tecnológicos 💡🌱

Desde el Grupo de Trabajo de Innovación del Clúster de Transició Ecològica de les Illes Balears organizamos una jornada clave para conectar empresas con centros tecnológicos y otros actores del ecosistema de I+D+i.

Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia✨

Hoy, celebramos y reivindicamos el papel de las mujeres en las carreras STEM. Desde el @cluster_teib, destacamos la importancia de impulsar la igualdad de oportunidades en el ámbito científico y tecnológico.

🌍 Representantes de Illes Balears participan en los workshops de @Energy4Europe en Bruselas.

📌 Temas claves:

💡 Descarbonización y planificación territorial
⚡ Sistemas eléctricos inteligentes y digitalización




🏡🌱 En la transición ecológica, ver es creer. 🔋⚡

Un showroom permite acelerar la adopción de nuevas tecnologías. La semana pasada, visitamos las oficinas de Clubio en Artà, donde conocimos su espacio para concienciar sobre soluciones de eficiencia energética.


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