
What is the TEIB Cluster?

The Clúster de Transició Ecològica de les Illes Balears (TEIB)  is a cluster organization (registered as a AEI) whose objective is to establish an environment of collaboration between different agents interested in the ecological transition, understood as the actions aimed at reducing the consumption of fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions, following the guidelines and commitments made in the Paris Agreement of 2015.

What is a cluster organization?

A cluster is a concept that was born in the early 1990s and its meaning has given rise to different interpretations. Multiple definitions can be found for this term but the European Commission defines it as “legal entities that support the strengthening of collaboration, networking and learning in innovation clusters and act as innovation support providers by providing or channelling specialised and customised business support services to stimulate innovation activities, especially in SMEs”.

Unlike other associations or sectorial groups, the objective of the TEIB is not to bring together agents that share the same market, but to group together those members with the will to collaborate in order to achieve common objectives.

The TEIB Cluster is a private non-profit association:

  • With statutes in force deposited on March 7, 2022.
  • With board of directors legally ratified on December 15, 2023.
  • With VAT number ESG10745370 and registered office and tax domicile at Calle Laura Bassi, 1, 07121, Palma, Illes Balears.
  • Registered in the Register of Associations of the Balearic Islands since May 19, 2022 under number 311000011323.
  • The agendas for the General Assemblies and Board of Directors meetings can be consulted in the activities agenda


The mission of the  Cluster TEIBis to become the key player in the Balearic Islands in everything related to ecological transition through open innovation, cooperation between companies, and public-private collaboration.


Transforming the Balearic Islands into an internationally recognized territory for green transition in islands based on energy efficiency, renewable energies, and circular economy as means to achieve decarbonization, optimize resource use, and contribute value to the local economy and territory.

Therefore, the values of TEIB are:

• Social responsibility to contribute to a more sustainable Balearic Islands

• Adding value to our associates

• Open and collaborative innovation as a key lever for achieving our objectives

• Alliances and ongoing cooperation with our stakeholders in academic, business, and social organizations

• Professionalized and responsible management oriented towards results and accountability