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Webinar: Decarbonizing Islands through hydrogen: what challenges and opportunities?

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9 de noviembre, 2023 @ 11:00 - 12:30


Join Green Hysland and the EU islands secretariat to explore the transformative power of hydrogen in island communities as well as understand the hurdles and prospects.

Renewable hydrogen is universally considered an important energy vector in the global efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions, with the potential to decarbonize also hard to abate sectors, bring flexibility to energy systems, create energy storage opportunities and enhance sector coupling.

This is especially true for islands, whose territories are particularly favourable for the production of hydrogen thanks to their closeness to water, and to their remoteness, resulting in a difficulty to be connected to national energy grids.

Hydrogen, on the other hand, allows long-term storage of excess electricity, and guarantees energy security when renewable energy production is lower, hence energy independence from fossil fuels imports.

The aim of the workshop is to present what are the challenges and opportunities for hydrogen’s uptake in islands, and the steps to integrate this versatile energy vector to their energy systems. To do so, 3 geographically different islands with different levels of advancement in hydrogen deployment (roadmap for hydrogen, project planning and funding, and project implementation) will present their best practices.

Register here.


9 de noviembre, 2023
11:00 - 12:30
Categorías del evento

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